brain health
By Mary Villareal
Blueberries: Superfood that can help you improve brain health
The term “superfood” gets thrown around a lot these days, but blueberries certainly deserve that title. They are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties that provide benefits for gut health, support weight loss and even lower blood pressure. One of the best benefits blueberries can offer is helping improve brain health. Blueberries are packed […]
By Olivia Cook
Beetroot is packed with disease-fighting antioxidants, phytonutrients and essential nutrients
Beet and beetroot refer to the same species of vegetable, Beta vulgaris. Most varieties are purple or bright red in color, some are yellow, white or pink. The term “beet” is most commonly used in North America to describe the taproot of Beta vulgaris, which is widely referred to in the United Kingdom as the “beetroot.” […]
By Edsel Cook
Just 2 teaspoons of nuts can stave off cognitive decline in the elderly
As people grow older, their cognitive health declines. But a new Australian study suggests that aging people can improve their cognitive function if they eat large amounts of nuts every day. The researchers surveyed more than 4,800 Chinese adults who were 55 years of age or older for 15 years. They discovered a link between eating more than […]
By Michelle Simmons
Want a bigger, healthier brain? Eat more fruits, nuts, fish, and vegetables
It is not news that eating healthily is good for your health. But did you know that healthy eating can also make your brain larger? A study published in the journal Neurology found that people who follow a diet abundant in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish may have bigger brains. For the study, the researchers […]
By RJ Jhonson
Sweet and versatile, carrots offer an impressive array of vitamins and minerals
Carrots are among the most recognizable vegetables in the modern world. Not only are they a mainstay in most supermarkets and grocery stores, but they also have a place in popular culture, thanks largely to their depiction as the favorite food of rabbits. But this popularity is not why you need carrots in your diet – these […]
By Cassie B.
Blueberries contain a specific substance that can prolong your life
The fabled Fountain of Youth might not exist, but a compound in blueberries can have a surprisingly significant anti-aging effect, making them the perfect fruit to consume for longevity. You might have already heard about the anthocyanins in blueberries that give them their blue color and their impressive antioxidant benefits, but the compound responsible for […]
By Michelle Simmons
Want a younger brain? A polyphenol-rich extract of grape and blueberry found to reduce cognitive decline
Polyphenol extracts from grapes and blueberry help reduce cognitive decline, according to a study published in The Journals of Gerontology; Biological and Medical Sciences. In the study, French and Canadian researchers examined the effects of the consumption of polyphenol grape and blueberry extract on memory. The researchers conducted an earlier study in a mouse model […]
By Russel Davis
Cancer-fighting cauliflower is having its moment in the spotlight as the new kale
Cauliflower has been enjoying increasing popularity as of late, thanks to a vast number of research that supports its health benefits. In fact, the vegetable is now being hailed as the “new kale” due in part to its nutritional value. According to New York-based nutritionist and personal trainer Mary Jane Detroyer, cauliflower is now replacing […]
By Michelle Simmons
Scientists discover that fermenting blueberries can restore cognitive function, improve memory for people with amnesia
Blueberry vinegar may help boost memory and restore the cognitive function of people with dementia, according to researchers from Konkuk University. In their study, which appeared in Science Daily, the team examined whether vinegar made from blueberries, which are rich with different active compounds, might help improve cognitive function and stop cognitive deterioration. As part of their study, […]
By Vicki Batts
Antioxidant-rich walnuts cut your risk of Type 2 diabetes by HALF
Move over almonds, it’s time for a new nut to reign supreme: Walnuts. While every type of nut offers a bevy of nutritional benefits, walnuts are gaining recognition for their potential to slash the risk of type 2 diabetes. The antioxidant-rich nuts are easily recognized by their unique shape, which resembles the human brain. But […]
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