organic farming
By Bridgette Wilcox
The shocking truth reveals vegetables were more nutritious in 1950 than they are now
The fruits and vegetables of today have seen a decline in nutritional value, a report done by The Globe and Mail and CTV News found. In analyzing the fresh produce sold in Canadian markets, the report saw a sharp decrease in their vitamin and mineral content, compared to that of fruits and vegetables from the […]
By Russel Davis
A woman’s journey to promoting food independence and helping the local community in Tanzania
Shea Belahi has always wanted to grow her own garden, often getting reprimanded during childhood for picking vegetables that did not belong to her family. Many years later, she would eventually establish her own small business called Heirloominous Farms in Urbana in Central Illinois. Belahi has then encountered a much bigger opportunity to reach out to farmers in Tanzania and […]
By Rita Winters
Growing for a better world: The 5 benefits of organic gardening
We can all do our part in helping regenerate the Earth. This can be as small as learning how to garden. Organic backyard farming, or simply gardening, is one of the best ways to start helping our communities and our environment. Commercial agriculture creates only a few jobs, since most commercial farms make use of machinery. […]
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