By Zoey Sky
How to grow potatoes in every kind of yard
Potatoes are some of the best survival crops to cultivate because they’re full of carbohydrates and protein. These tuberous crops can even keep you full when SHTF. If you’re new to gardening, here are some methods that you can try if you want to start growing potatoes in your yard. (h/t to Hilled rows […]
By Zoey Sky
Fruits and vegetables to store in your root cellar
Before we had access to convenient food storage through refrigerators, people stored produce in root cellars. Root cellars allowed pioneers to have access to fresh produce throughout the whole year. Modern preppers know how valuable root cellars are, especially if your garden produces more fruits and vegetables than you can refrigerate or preserve. (h/t Apples (Ideal temperature: […]
By Janine Acero
Foraging wild edibles: Berry basics to help identify what’s safe and what isn’t
Preparing for any emergency increases your chances of survival, and knowing how to forage in the wild is one of the most useful skills to have. If you find yourself forced to survive in the woods, it is important to know which plants could be your next meal and which ones could be your last. […]
By Rita Winters
Growing for a better world: The 5 benefits of organic gardening
We can all do our part in helping regenerate the Earth. This can be as small as learning how to garden. Organic backyard farming, or simply gardening, is one of the best ways to start helping our communities and our environment. Commercial agriculture creates only a few jobs, since most commercial farms make use of machinery. […]
By Jayson Veley
Nuke prepping: 10 foods you must grow to reduce the damaging effect of radiation
It’s terrifying to think about, but there may come a day when the United States will be struck by one or more nuclear weapons. Millions of Americans across the country have taken it upon themselves to prepare for such an attack, spending enormous amounts of time and money to ensure their survival. But preparing for […]
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